While elections in USA happened last year, and we are yet to welcome our new President, it is time to reflect last four years of Trump's presidency. In Jan 2016, he was elected as 45th President of USA. Everyone was so excited to have someone other than a politician to rule the country. What mistakes did he made now to loose this election?
There was no doubt that US stock market was doing excellent until Mar 2020 and unemployment rate was historic low. This president had really pulled through and got everyone much needed job and employment. He had a highest approval rating to continue his second term as President. He also survived his impeachment trial.
Then COVID-19 happened in March 2020 and everything was a downward spiral for him and his team. With COVID-19, elections in the country was definitely a big deal and it was a greater opportunity for him to react and send a right message to the people. Here are few things that he should have done last year which could have helped him to continue 4 more years.
1. Handling COVID-19: Undeniably for Trump, covid-19 came at a very wrong time. He told in one of his speech 'Before the plague came, I had it made.' But right from the beginning the problem was his denial to accept this problem. While many countries battled with the same virus, their leaders imposed lockdowns and acknowledged the virus as deadly. But with Mr. Trump he commented initially that it was more like a flu virus which happens every year. Even during campaign trails, he gave a wrong message by not putting mask, gathering crowd and taking this virus very lightly. He himself at one point got affected and still downplayed the pandemic. But still he didn't have to really loose this election, all he had to do was to acknowledge the problem and fight back with everyone by giving support. Trump's denial mode cost him his credibility.
2. Like other world leaders like Modi, he shouldn't have dealt covid case strategically instead of calling it as 'China Virus' repeatedly from March 2020. While many praised him for openly accusing china for causing this deadly problem, he actually fell flat due to many people in US not accepting this kind of rhetoric. Even though China is India's staunch enemy there was never a statement from Mr. Modi on blaming China for the pandemic.
3. Another problem that caused his defeat was he didn't expand his support beyond his voter demographics. He often ruled as if he was the president for only the red states. He made very little attempt to woo democratic majority states. Hence, Biden clarified that there won't be a red or blue president but just one President of America. This statement gave a powerful message and thought to ponder.
Though Biden was not the obvious choice from democratic party as well, but in this election year definitely it was more of people voting out Trump than choosing Mr. Biden. Only time will tell how the Biden presidency is going to overcome this challenge of stabilizing the economy and giving the million jobs back to the people instead of handing over the stimulus checks. But living in a democratic country it is our duty to welcome the new president and support him for fighting against covid and building back the economy.
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